Wir alle brauchen Heldinnen und Helden. Große. Kleine. Starke. Schnelle. Mit Umhang oder ohne. Wir von innocent möchten aber vor allem, dass unsere Heldinnen und Helden erneuerbaren Strom nutzen und wassersparende Wasserhähne installieren.
Denn wir möchten mit Zulieferern zusammenarbeiten, denen verantwortungsbewusstes Handeln mindestens genauso wichtig ist wie uns. Für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit ist es entscheidend, dass wir die gleichen Werte teilen und uns gegenseitig helfen, Energie-, Wasserverbrauch sowie Abfall in unserer Lieferkette zu reduzieren. Dazu haben wir unser "Hero Supplier"-Programm entwickelt. Es tut vier Dinge:
24% | Ingredient Production | Our oranges are grown in South America and the trees that they grow on will naturally absorb carbon into their leaves, branches and roots. All of our oranges are produced to international standards called the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative’s Farm Sustainability Assessment. As part of this there are over 100 environmental and social criteria that are independently audited against, and a number link to increased energy efficiency, monitoring of carbon emissions and use of renewable energy sources. 20% of the land where our Oranges are grown is also set aside as natural buffer zones. One of the things we are doing to reduce emissions at this level is our farmer innovation fund. This is an annual pot of €100,000 that helps farmers improve biodiversity and livelihoods while capturing carbon at the same time. We also support our farmers through our work with Emerging Leaders to help their businesses become more resilient to a changing climate. All of our major suppliers (including for OJ) are also involved in our Hero Supplier Programme. Through this programme we encourage suppliers to improve their sustainability performance in a number of areas including on reducing carbon emissions. We know from this for example our oranges are squeezed into juice at factories that are mostly run off renewable energy. |
27% | Ingredient transport | The oranges are then shipped across the ocean to our supplier’s main storage terminal in Europe. From therw we go and pick our orange juice from our supplier and then drive it to our new factory in Rotterdam. For this leg we use Europe’s very first fully electric tankers. These tankers are also charged up using renewable electricity. This is a great milestone for us as it means we can do this leg of the journey without using any carbon at all. |
18% | Packaging | We are very mindful of the type of packaging we use for our Orange Juice. We use plastic as it is robust, hygienic, can be recycled but is also low carbon. If we were in a glass bottle our emissions from packaging would be about 3x what they are for plastic. Our OJ bottles are also made from 50% recycled PET which has a lower carbon footprint than virgin material, our aim is for all of our bottles to be made from 100% recycled or renewable material by 2025. We’ve also lightweighted many out bottles over the past couple of years. Our 900ml bottle for example was lightweighted from 38 to 34g in 2020 saving 10% of plastic but also 10% of the carbon as well. We also work with all of our main packaging suppliers through our Hero Supplier Programme. Through this programme we encourage suppliers to improve their sustainability performance in a number of areas including on reducing carbon emissions. Weknow for example that many of our packaging suppliers are using renewable electricity and the plan is to support them all to do so by the end of 2023. |
Jeder unserer Lieferanten wird aufgrund dieser Fragen bewertet und wir erwarten, dass sie alle großartige Leistungen erbringen, wenn es um Nachhaltigkeit geht. Unsere Misch- und Abfüllpartnerinnen und - partner müssen bis Ende 2020 eine bestimmte Bewertung erhalten, während unsere Verpackungslieferanten bis Ende 2021 Zeit haben. Getrennte Müllbehälter fürs Recycling. Abfalltransfer-Dokumentation. Umweltrichtlinien. Für Dich mag das alles ein bisschen trocken klingen, aber für uns sind das die wahren Helden. Auch ganz ohne Umhänge.